Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beautiful intermediary exposure reviews abstruse meeting arranges detail topic for discussion to include Asia-Pacific territory controversial issue

American the White House is announced " be used to abstruse meeting " arrangement detail lists scheme of check of 4 big targets

American the White House is announced " be used to abstruse meetifree watch caseng " arrangement detail lists 4 big targets

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American the White House is announced " be used to abstruse meeting " arrangement detail lists 4 big targets

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According to Americabrass faucet aerator n media coverage, the White House announced American president Aobama and Xi Jinping of Chinese state chairman to be about to meet in 4 days the detail of the face, state the United States just thinks this meeting will have 4 big causes. The theme that speaks this besides economy, Korea and network safety, still will include topic for discussion onorton internet antivirusf Asia-Pacific territory conflict, and two army the problem that acts in Asia-Pacific area.

Report, this be used to abstruse meeting will be in the beauty on the west time was held at 4 o'clock 7 days afternoon, in two leader talk around can publish an address, mthe most popular selling norton internet antivirusore extensive interview will sfree modern dining chairsprwatch case openeread out later, later two people will eat late dinner in all, and imodern dining chairsn 8 days in the morning, bilateral will continue to speak, the end talks midday. Official of the White House shows, this informal meeting undertakes conduce both sides more straight-out, not the dialog of repeat what the book says, and conversational content will be more extensive, and must not have verdict. And outside economy, Korea and network north face shirtstopic for discussion, asia-Pacific territory conflict also will be this talk focus.

The sentence that reports officharrison hot spring dealial of cite the White House says: "This also is an opportunity at the same timthe most popular norton internet antiviruse, make two leader OK discuss resembling is two army should now and the issue that future wants how to act in Asia-Pacific area. Make two leader OK discuss resembling is two army should now and the issue that future wants how to act in Asia-Pacific area..

Official of the White House says, this talk will have 4 causes, it is to deepen two people respectively each other understand, the care that shows each other, enlarge cooperative domain, and the interactive mode that discovers future is bilateral, because of the relation of two countries, will model 21 centuries.

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